Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Chalk It Up To Experience

So my art midterm was due today. Picture a life size portrait of me. Now add a piano and Chuck Palahniuk novel to the mix, and cover in chalk pastels. The thing about this is I had to tape the poster to the wall at the foot of my bed to actually finish the thing. I also had to spray the fixative there, in our confined, far from ventilated room. It took a couple of coats to make everything stick, probably because the first few found their way almost entirely into my lungs.

I woke up this morning with a headache and next to no balance. The drive to the art complex was quite interesting.


Anonymous said...

I really liked how your portrait turned out. It was one of the best in our class.

Anonymous said...

Saweet! You get high and then get compliments on it!!! :P

I told you that you had nothing to worry about; you're an amazing artist. Who just happens to inhale chalk and fixative on a semi-regular basis.

Anonymous said...

Mk, C-Dubs, tis time for an update.

Even though I saw you yesterday. :P